
3 Sons

3 Sons Keeve
10 months ago

3 Sons Keeve

3 Sons have made a name for themselves by continually amping up the flavour with each release. Now this is technically not even released, yet they are pushing it even further.  Read More

Real Cider Reviews Best Ciders Of 2021
3 years ago

Real Cider Reviews Best Ciders Of 2021

By  •  News

2021 has been yet another crazy year, thank goodness we had cider. 19 new reviews plus 1 guest review. That might be a little lower than past years but cut me some slack, a little baby pippin slowing things down. Never the less out of all the great ciders I have drunk this year there were a top 5 best ciders of 2021. Read More

3 sons Methode Traditionelle
3 years ago

3 sons Methode Traditionelle

3 Sons Methode Traditionelle from 2019. Canberra’s best-known cider maker is mixing all sorts of apples to go for that champagne vibe in a cider. Read More

Real Cider Reviews Best Ciders of 2019
5 years ago

Real Cider Reviews Best Ciders of 2019

By  •  News

Well, That’s it, That’s 2019 done and dusted. Tonight is New Year’s Eve and there is a fine methode traditionelle cider in the fridge chilling for tonight. This is the time of year when I look back at The best  Ciders of 2019 in an attempt to answer the question I all ways get asked: “What is your favourite cider?”

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3 Sons  Naughty Nanna
5 years ago

3 Sons Naughty Nanna

Naughty Nanna, you might have one. 3 Sons Cider certainly did. This newly released cider pays tribute to the 3 Sons grannie. The story goes, the boy’s nanna was not much of a cider drinker, but she did have a habit of nicking off with some of the fresh juice straight out of the press.   Read More

Comfortably Numb
5 years ago

Comfortably Numb

3 Son’s Comfortably Numb is a slightly cloudy, medium sweet, cider made from both eating apples and cider apples from around Canberra. Read More

3 Sons Kingston Black
5 years ago

3 Sons Kingston Black

The Canberra outfit has just released the 3 Sons Kingston Black Cider, a single variety cider made possible by the maturing of Australia’s cider scene. Read More

Fruit Ciders Go Head To Head
5 years ago

Fruit Ciders Go Head To Head

Fruit Ciders have been a growing segment of the cider market for a few years now. Much to the horror of  Cider purists. While I tend to agree with them, there is a strong argument if people are drinking crappy fruit ciders why shouldn’t the craft Cidermakers get in there and show them how it’s done right. Read More