
Yarlington Mill

Henney’s Vintage Cider
9 years ago

Henney’s Vintage Cider

By  •  British

It’s cold wet and windy. The east coast of Australia is getting drenched by a once in a 30 year low pressure system. The streets are under water. Australian cider makers don’t make cider for this situation. Luckily there is a cider making region that regularly deals with gloomy weather and they make some pretty decent ciders. So I’ve picked up a bottle of  Henney’s Vintage Cider. This 2014 vintage is a still cider from England’s west country county of Herefordshire. Read More

Willie Smith’s 18 Varieties Apple Cider
9 years ago

Willie Smith’s 18 Varieties Apple Cider

Willie Smith’s have a new limited release cider on the market. It’s named after what’s in it, “18 Varieties Apple Cider”. Willie’s have collected 18 of their favorite old English and French apple varieties to make a top shelf cider.

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Lobo Cider – Norman
10 years ago

Lobo Cider – Norman

Turning our attention to a Brut(e) of a cider by Lobo Cider. The first time I reviewed a Lobo it was just a bit too sweet for me. Now I get to review Norman by Lobo, their “European” style bottle conditioned dry cider. If I can stop admiring the artwork on the bottle I might lift the cap. Read More

Wilcox Cheddar Mill Yarlington Mill Medium Cider
10 years ago

Wilcox Cheddar Mill Yarlington Mill Medium Cider

By  •  British

One of things I love about reviewing English ciders is the history. Take this Bottle of Wilcox Cheddar Mill Yarlington Mill Medium Cider; you can trace its history all the way back to their first cider press which started work in 1868. History is one thing, but relying on the hard work of your great granddaddy alone does not make a good cider. Have Wilcox made a modern cider with their traditional training?

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Zeffer Cider Slack Ma Girdle
10 years ago

Zeffer Cider Slack Ma Girdle

Zeffer Cider is the next in my series of Real Cider Reviews from New Zealand. Zeffer’s story is one about experimentation and having a goal in mind to make real ciders in the styles that  Sam (Zeffer’s head cider maker) wanted to make. “Zeffer Cider Slack Ma Girdle” is the most traditional in the range. So that seemed the best place to start. Read More

Small Acres Pomme Apple Cider
10 years ago

Small Acres Pomme Apple Cider

In the central New South Wales town of Orange is the Small Acres Cyder House. Open to the public on most weekends, serving up food matched to their ciders. Small Acres is a story about people doing what they want in life and making something they want to drink. Today I’m reviewing the Small Acres Pomme Apple Cider, the most main stream of the award-winning range.

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