Batlows CiderFest is back for another year. The small apple growing town west of Canberra is well known for its annual CiderFest. Last years event was a great day, This years promises to be bigger and more interactive.
The Batlow CiderFest committee are running several new events this year to coincide with the 2019 Batlow CiderFest. One of these events is the Craft Cider “Taste and Learn Session” to be held on Friday 17th May, from 2:00 pm at the Batlow RSL Club. If you’d like to know more about cider, like, How’s it made?, What apples are used? How much difference do real cider apples make?, then the Friday “Taste & Learn Session” is for you. Cider enthusiasts will be taken on a journey of discovery by award-winning cider makers from Orange (Small Acres) and Canberra (3 Sons). Also, don’t miss out on the chance to hear the stories behind two local craft cider companies at Batlow (Batlow Road Cider and Crafty Cider). All four of our guest cider makers grow their own apples and have craft ciders in their range that are unlike anything you’ll find in the big retail stores.
This promises to be a fun and informative afternoon, so get a group of cider-loving friends together and come along. The Craft Cider “Taste & Learn Session” will run from 2:00pm to 7:30pm on Friday 17th May and includes afternoon tea, tastings and supper for the low price of $25 (18+ years only). Visit to buy your tickets.