

Bilpin – Archibald Extra Brut Cider
7 years ago

Bilpin – Archibald Extra Brut Cider

A year or so ago I had the Bilpin Archibald cider. It was pretty dry but it did have a little back sweetening. Now the guys at Bilpin Cider co have released a version with out the back sweetening fresh juice and it’s bottle conditioned. I have high hopes for this the Archibald Extra Brut Cider.

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Bilpin Original Cider
9 years ago

Bilpin Original Cider

Recent I looked at Bilpin’s latest creation, Archibald. After that I decided to go back to where it all began. This week I’ve got a bottle of the Bilpin Original to review. Read More

Bilpin Archibald
9 years ago

Bilpin Archibald

Bilpin is a little town in the Blue Mountains, home to Bilpin Cider Co and is located just to the west of Sydney. Frosty winters and high altitude makes it a great region to grow apples. This season they have a new release. Named after the explorer of the region. Archibald Cloudy by Bilpin Cider. Read More

Hillbilly Crushed Apple Cider
10 years ago

Hillbilly Crushed Apple Cider

It’s about time I looked at this Crushed Apple Cider from the Hillbilly folks in the mountains. While this isn’t the first cider i’ve reviewed from Hillbilly, it is their original cider. In fact this was one of the first craft ciders I found in Sydney as I moved away from the big labels into proper ciders. Oddly never got to write a review about it.

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Hillbilly 2014 Vintage Apple Cider
10 years ago

Hillbilly 2014 Vintage Apple Cider

When you think of hillbillies and alcohol you probably think moonshine. Well Hillbilly Cider is here to set you straight with the Hillbilly 2014 Vintage Apple Cider. Hailing from the Blue Mountains in NSW, this bottle condition cider is far more posh frocks at Royal Randwick than blue denim at NASCAR.

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