

Peckham’s Farmhouse Cider 2020
3 years ago

Peckham’s Farmhouse Cider 2020

Peckham’s Farmhouse Cider is taking classic English cider apples and fermenting them in a traditional manner…… but made on the opposite side of the world in New Zealand.

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Gwynt Y Ddraig Farmhouse Cloudy Scrumpy
4 years ago

Gwynt Y Ddraig Farmhouse Cloudy Scrumpy

By  •  British

Gwynt Y Ddraig is a Welsh cider making outfit with a range of traditional British style ciders.  I managed to track down a bottle of the Gwynt Y Ddraig Farmhouse Cloudy Scrumpy.  Read More

Daylesford Farmhouse Dry 2015
7 years ago

Daylesford Farmhouse Dry 2015

Daylesford Cider had been channelling their British roots again when it came time for Farmhouse Dry.  This 2015 vintage cider is made from organic heritage apples and is completely devoid of bubbles.

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Ramborn Farmhouse Dry Cider
8 years ago

Ramborn Farmhouse Dry Cider

Have you ever heard a cider from Luxembourg? No? You have now. Ramborn is Luxembourg’s leading/only craft cider label. They have recently launched with 3 ciders so over the next few weeks I’m going to review them. Today I’m starting with the Ramborn Farmhouse Dry Cider.

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Casino Cidre Bouché Brut
9 years ago

Casino Cidre Bouché Brut

By  •  French

Alabang, Manila, Philippines. Not the first place I’d travel to in search of quality cider. In fact most people I have spoken to here have never heard of it. But where there is a will there is a way. With some local knowledge I got my hands on a bottle of Casino Cidre Bouché Brut

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Two Metre Tall Real Tasmanian Apple Cider
10 years ago

Two Metre Tall Real Tasmanian Apple Cider

Two Metre Tall is probably the most diverse producer that I have reviewed. Not only do they produce top notch cider but beef and beers as well. The 600ha small farm is in a pretty unique position in the Derwent Valley, low rain fall but access to the Derwent River. The apple are grown in the Huon Valley . But one of the most interesting things about this cider is the example that it provides to other Cider makers and the Australian government in regards to what should be on a label.
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