
herefordshire cider

Olivers Pet Nat
3 years ago

Olivers Pet Nat

By  •  British

Pet Nat seems to be all the fashion in the wine industry at the moment. Then there is Tom Oliver, the cider fans cider maker. Put the two together and well … it’s the Olivers Pet Nat. Read More

Weston’s Old Rosie
5 years ago

Weston’s Old Rosie

By  •  British

Old Rosie, that old steam engine in Herefordshire or that blush in the old man’s cheeks after a few ciders in a warm pub. But this Old Rosie combines those into a big bottle of Weston’s Old Rosie Cider.  Read More

Westons – Caple Rd Cider
6 years ago

Westons – Caple Rd Cider

By  •  British

Caple Rd Cider is a new product to the Australian Cider market from the English Cider makers Weston’s. It breaks a few traditions for Weston’s, this is their first canned cider and first from any of the UK big players. Read More

Dunkertons Breakwells Seeding Cider
6 years ago

Dunkertons Breakwells Seeding Cider

By  •  British

Breakwells Seedling is a pretty rare apple discovered in Monmouth, a little town on the Welsh border, a little over a century ago. Dunkerton’s orchards just so happen to have a few of these trees and used them to make the Dunkertons Breakwells Seedling Cider. Read More

UK Cider Tour Day 3
6 years ago

UK Cider Tour Day 3

By  •  British, News

Day 3 of my UK Cider Tour starts outs fine. I rolled out of Monmouth on my preplanned route. I did my research and planned to ride on quiet roads and bike paths. Today’s bike path is more of a walking trail with lots of gates along the way. It ends far too quickly. Read More

Gwynt y Ddraig Gold Medal Cider
6 years ago

Gwynt y Ddraig Gold Medal Cider

By  •  British

Gwynt y Ddraig is Welsh for the Dragons Wind. A small cider maker in southern Wales. It started out as a hobby and grew into a business. This cider is the one that got them on the map. Gwynt y Ddraig’s Gold Medal Cider as the name suggests, was their first cider to get a gong. Read More

Henney’s Vintage Cider
8 years ago

Henney’s Vintage Cider

By  •  British

It’s cold wet and windy. The east coast of Australia is getting drenched by a once in a 30 year low pressure system. The streets are under water. Australian cider makers don’t make cider for this situation. Luckily there is a cider making region that regularly deals with gloomy weather and they make some pretty decent ciders. So I’ve picked up a bottle of  Henney’s Vintage Cider. This 2014 vintage is a still cider from England’s west country county of Herefordshire. Read More

Henney’s Dry Cider
9 years ago

Henney’s Dry Cider

By  •  British

Henney’s Dry Cider is a typical Herefordshire dry cider. It’s so typical of the style it has been awarded PGI status by the European Union. But is this a typical cider or something more? Read More