
The Side Project

Real Cider Reviews Best Ciders Of 2021
3 years ago

Real Cider Reviews Best Ciders Of 2021

By  •  News

2021 has been yet another crazy year, thank goodness we had cider. 19 new reviews plus 1 guest review. That might be a little lower than past years but cut me some slack, a little baby pippin slowing things down. Never the less out of all the great ciders I have drunk this year there were a top 5 best ciders of 2021. Read More

The Side Project The Doo Kalangadoo Cider
4 years ago

The Side Project The Doo Kalangadoo Cider

The Doo Kalangadoo Cider is a new project by The Side Project, South Australia’s Cider and beer making band of mates who make the cider in an after-hours side hustle. Something that I can really relate to.  Read More