
Willie Smiths

World Cider Day Events In Australia
7 years ago

World Cider Day Events In Australia

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Cider lovers across the globe will salute this unique fermented apple beverage on its international day of celebration.World Cider Day will be held on Saturday, June 3rd, with events and specials happening at venues across Australia.
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Willie Smith’s STURMtrooper Mk2
7 years ago

Willie Smith’s STURMtrooper Mk2

A long time ago (this season) in a galaxy far, far away (Tasmania)…Willie Smiths dropped a new cider the STURMtrooper Mk2. Warning, bad Star Wars puns ahead, from a dude who has never seen Star Wars.

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Willie Smith’s 18 Varieties Apple Cider
9 years ago

Willie Smith’s 18 Varieties Apple Cider

Willie Smith’s have a new limited release cider on the market. It’s named after what’s in it, “18 Varieties Apple Cider”. Willie’s have collected 18 of their favorite old English and French apple varieties to make a top shelf cider.

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2015 Cider Australia Awards Results
9 years ago

2015 Cider Australia Awards Results

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Last night saw the awards ceremony for the Australia’s best ciders at the 2015 Cider Australia Awards. Last year, somewhat controversially, the top gong went to the British cider maker Thatchers with their Somerset Gold.  This year the top award stayed local. Willie Smith’s 18 Varieties limited edition taking out the Best in Show award.  Results After the break.

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Willie Smith’s Organic Perry
9 years ago

Willie Smith’s Organic Perry

This isn’t the first Willie Smith I’ve reviewed here. Today it’s their newest member in the family named Willie Smith’s Organic Perry. Is there going to be any sibling rivalry?

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Edinburgh Cider View Podcast
10 years ago

Edinburgh Cider View Podcast

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As part of my series on British Ciders, I was invited onto the Edinburgh Cider View podcast. What out as a bit of banter on twitter ended up with me flying 4 bottles of cider half way round the world.

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Willie Smith’s Bone Dry Cider Review
10 years ago

Willie Smith’s Bone Dry Cider Review

The guys down at Willie Smith’s have a new cider. Willie Smith’s Bone Dry Cider, is, as the name suggests, it’s a dry cider. While their first cider I reviewed was based on the French farmhouse style, the Bone dry is based on a traditional Herefordshire style. The big difference between the Herefordshire and this Tassie cloudy is the apples used. Here we have eating apple and not the traditional cider varieties. Sam Reid, the head cider maker at Willie Smith’s told me, the Bone Dry is a favourite among the local farmers when served at The Apple Shed. It’s earned itself the nickname “The Knee Bender” as its easy drink and quite strong. Read More

Willie Smiths Organic Apple Cider Review
10 years ago

Willie Smiths Organic Apple Cider Review

I’ve been looking forward to reviewing Willie Smiths Organic Apple Cider. To understand this real cider you need to understand its heritage. Back in 1888 Willie Smith planted an apple orchard. Today these apples are hand-picked to make a cloudy French farmhouse style cider.

Willie Smiths orchard is nestled down in Tasmania’s Huon Valley. Where the air is said to be some of the purest air in the world and some of the freshest rain comes direct from the south pole. All this makes for great conditions growing apples. Willie Smiths are doing their best to maintain this environment by becoming fully organic certified. They claim this can improve the nutritional value of the cider. This is the truer to form, to Willie Smiths it is the traditional way. They don’t need anything artificial, in the soil or the cider. They care about their farm, their drinkers, and Tasmania. I love the fact that they’re not letting a multi-nation agribusiness prescribe their newest “Ultra Root Booster” or “Caterpillar Killer 1000” for a short-term gain. Knowing that long-term they will harm the ecosystem of the orchard long-term. Willie Smiths knows that the Huon Valley is a fundamental part of their cider. It is an asset worth preserving .
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