

Real Cider Reviews Best of 2022
2 years ago

Real Cider Reviews Best of 2022

By  •  News

Well if that’s 2022 we’ve had it, stick a fork in it, it’s done. I’ve come to a few simple conclusions. Cider is delicious and I like delicious cider. But which were my favourites from 2022? This is the Real Cider Reviews Best of 2022 Read More

Willie Smiths Kingston Black 2022
2 years ago

Willie Smiths Kingston Black 2022

It’s been 4 years since I last had the annual release of Willie Smiths Kingston Black. I very much enjoyed it back then. But the question is how has it changed over the years and is it still as tasty?

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Brady’s Legana Wild Reserve
2 years ago

Brady’s Legana Wild Reserve

Brady’s Legana Wild Reserve challenges the standard thinking of what ciders can be. They are pushing hard into the fine sparkling wine territory.  Read More

Willie Smiths Non-Alc Apple Cider
2 years ago

Willie Smiths Non-Alc Apple Cider

The Willie Smith’s Non-Alc Apple Cider took me by surprise. The Huon Valley cider makers have launched a non-alcoholic cider. This is excellent news for those who want real apples without the booze. Read More

Brady’s Lookout Cider Classic Orange Pippin
2 years ago

Brady’s Lookout Cider Classic Orange Pippin

Brady’s Lookout Cider Classic Orange Pippin keeps it simple by combining the classic dessert apple with a big aroma, the Cox’s Orange Pippin with the easy-to-learn yet hard-to-master technique of Methode Traditionelle cider making. Read More

Spreyton Kingston Black Cider
2 years ago

Spreyton Kingston Black Cider

The Kingston Black is probably my favourite cider apple. So, I am very excited to get stuck into this fresh can of Spreyton Kingston Black Cider. Read More

Spreyton Young Sturmer 2.0
2 years ago

Spreyton Young Sturmer 2.0

Spreyton’s can of Young Sturmer 2.0 is the next generation of the Sturmer apple-based cider from the lads down in northern Tasmania.   Read More

Simple Cider Heritage Blend
3 years ago

Simple Cider Heritage Blend

Simple Cider’s Heritage Blend has a simple goal, grow the best apples they can to make the best cider they can. It’s all about showing off their Tasmanian grown cider apples. Read More