
best ciders

Real Cider Reviews Best of 2022
2 years ago

Real Cider Reviews Best of 2022

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Well if that’s 2022 we’ve had it, stick a fork in it, it’s done. I’ve come to a few simple conclusions. Cider is delicious and I like delicious cider. But which were my favourites from 2022? This is the Real Cider Reviews Best of 2022 Read More

Real Cider Reviews Best Ciders Of 2021
3 years ago

Real Cider Reviews Best Ciders Of 2021

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2021 has been yet another crazy year, thank goodness we had cider. 19 new reviews plus 1 guest review. That might be a little lower than past years but cut me some slack, a little baby pippin slowing things down. Never the less out of all the great ciders I have drunk this year there were a top 5 best ciders of 2021. Read More

Real Cider Reviews Best Ciders of 2020
4 years ago

Real Cider Reviews Best Ciders of 2020

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Well, 2020 was shithouse. Thank goodness we had cider. Some very good ciders. This is the Real Cider Reviews list of the Best Ciders of 2020 Read More

Real Cider Reviews Best Ciders of 2019
5 years ago

Real Cider Reviews Best Ciders of 2019

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Well, That’s it, That’s 2019 done and dusted. Tonight is New Year’s Eve and there is a fine methode traditionelle cider in the fridge chilling for tonight. This is the time of year when I look back at The best  Ciders of 2019 in an attempt to answer the question I all ways get asked: “What is your favourite cider?”

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Real Cider Reviews Best Ciders of 2018
6 years ago

Real Cider Reviews Best Ciders of 2018

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2018, done and dusted. It’s time to look back at the Real Cider Reviews’ Best Ciders of 2018.

I’ve had a pretty amazing year from being asked to speak at the Australian Cider Conference in Baltow in May. July, I got to tick off a massive item off my bucket list when I packed up my bike and rode from Somerset to Herefordshire. More recently I moved out of the hustle and bustle of Sydney to the fresh air of Armidale in the north of the state. I bought a house with a big garden and within a month I had planted my first apple tree, more will follow. I don’t know where that project will end up but that is the exciting part.  Read More

Real Cider Reviews Best Ciders of 2017
7 years ago

Real Cider Reviews Best Ciders of 2017

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This year the cider industry has not only grown, it has grown up. I’m seeing more sophisticated ciders on the market, the Best Ciders of 2017 list certainly reflects that. Ciders that …
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Best Ciders Of 2016
8 years ago

Best Ciders Of 2016

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It’s that time of the year when we all look back at the year that was. For many of us, we will remember 2016 as the year the Grim reaper signed up to IMDB and started working his way through everyone’s favourite personalities. Meanwhile, the political landscape was …. like a pair of rubber chopsticks, just a bad idea.

Thank goodness we have cider, at the very least it provided us with a little bit of tasty escapism.  So, what were the Best Ciders Of 2016?  Read More

Real Cider Reviews Best Ciders of 2015
9 years ago

Real Cider Reviews Best Ciders of 2015

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2015 has been another massive growth year for cider in Australia and around the world. I’ve tasted more ciders this year than ever before. More than that, the quality is improving. I put that down to the cider makers learning more every season and the cider drinkers becoming more adventurous and discerning. So here are my Best Ciders of 2015.

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